G40 TH - Crawler Drill

TH (Top Hammer) G40 TH - Crawler Drill (Also Known as Equipo de Perforación Neumático in Spanish) is a versatile and efficient drilling machine that is widely used in the construction, mining, and quarrying industries. Unlike a DTH crawler drill that uses compressed air to drive a down-the-hole hammer, a TH crawler drill employs a top hammer drilling method that delivers high-precision drilling and faster penetration rates. The TH crawler drill utilizes a hydraulic system to power a drill string that is equipped with a drill bit and a percussion mechanism, which strikes the rock surface repeatedly to break it up. The crawler tracks enable the drill to move easily across rough terrain and steep inclines, allowing it to access remote locations. With its speed, accuracy, and mobility, the TH crawler drill is a popular choice for drilling in a wide range of applications, from foundation work to exploration drilling.
